Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Wild in the Hollows by Amber C. Haines

Cover Art

From the publisher:
Amber Haines is a woman haunted by God. Like Eve in the Garden, she craved the fruit that she thought would lead her to freedom. But the whispers of temptation led her instead down a devastating path toward isolation, dissatisfaction, and life-altering choices. In her most broken moment, Amber met God waiting for her in the fallout, freely offering her grace and life.

This is a story of the God who makes himself known in broken places. In prose that is at once lyrical and utterly honest, a brave new voice takes readers on a windswept journey down the path of brokenness to healing, satisfaction, and true intimacy with God. Amber calls readers to dispense with the pretty bows we use to dress up our stories and instead trust God to take our untidy, unfinished lives and make them free, authentic, and whole. Anyone who struggles with doubt or holds secrets, anyone who feels marginalized or like she is missing something, will find in Amber a sister and an inviting voice back home, into the heart of God.

 I like Amber's style of writing. And I honestly feel that if I met Amber in person, I would really like her, and connect with her.  So much of her story resonates my own.  Not in all the circumstances, but in the emotions and feelings.  I applaud her for being brave and honest and bold.  This is a story of where many of us are, we walk and fall and fall and walk.  She shares openly.  This book will be a blessing to many people.  

However, I struggle writing this review.  Here is why. I found myself skimming along.  Some of it was heavy with continual sadness. 

The last chapter felt like hope and light though.  As a reader you can feel her growth and journey.  Not all the story is wrapped up but isn't that how life is for each of us?

I received this book free from Revell Reads in exchange for my honest review.

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